Crush test - How to tell if he likes you psychic or not Does he like me></td>
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            <td background= Does He Like You Quiz - Does he have a crush? Does he like me? Quiz
Does He Like me? Take the QUIZ - See If He has a Crush on You
Does He Like Me? Does He Like Me or Have a Major Crush?

Take this quiz and find out if that guy that you've been noticing has been noticing you. You don't have to be a psychic -- this quiz will tell you if he's interested...

Find out if he has a crush or is chasing after you and if he's interested or if you're wasting your time.

Find out more about flirting signals and how to tell if he likes you -- in our sections on flirting and how to break the ice with a shy guy.
    1. When you look at him, what does he do?

    a)  He never looks at me.
    b)  He smiles a little and then looks away.
    c)  He looks me in the eyes for what seems like a long time.
    d)  He seems like he's looking at me, but looks away as soon as I look at him.
    e)  He points at me and laughs.

    2. When the two of you talk, how does the conversation start?

    a)  It depends. We talk a lot, sometimes I start it, sometimes he does.
    b)  He's always friendly and saying hello.
    c)  Talk? We've never spoken a word to each other!
    d)  We talk some, but I always have to say hello or say something first.
    e)  He stutters constantly, but only when he is talking to me.

    3. What is his body language like when he's around you or talking to you?

    a)  He seems distracted or looks at his watch a lot.
    b)  He looks at my mouth a lot when I'm talking.
    c)  He leans toward me and seems to be a really good listener.
    d)  He touches me on the arm or shoulder sometimes when we talk.
    e)  He seems pretty relaxed, just like if he was talking to another guy or something.

    4. How do his friends treat you?

    a)  I haven't noticed.
    b)  They seem to look at me a lot when they are with him.
    c)  They have been nicer or talking to me more lately.
    d)  They throw little things at me playfully sometimes.
    e)  They throw sharp, heavy objects at me.

    5. More about his behavior around you:

    a)  He is shy and quiet when he's around me.
    b)  He acts like I don't exist.
    c)  He jokes around a lot with me, in a nice way.
    d)  He seems to act normally when we're in a group of people, but if we're alone, he seems kind of nervous.
    e)  He curses and swears a lot.

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Does He Like You Quiz - Does he have a crush? Does he like me? Be your own psychic -- Quiz Quizzes for finding out how to tell if he likes you or is interested in you with this quiz and test of his interest - Psychic of not - I can tell if he likes me --- Does He Like Me Quiz - this test tells you how to tell if it's true or not...Does he like you? Do you have a future together?