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The Psychic Location Quiz
The FUNNY STUFF psychic location QUIZ
Where are you right now? Our Psychic knows!!
Soooo nice of you to visit us instead of sleeping!
Answer the funny questions below and the psychic can tell where you are right now!
Amaze your friends, send it to them and see how it can predict where they are too, just from a few simple questions! Funny Stuff!
Take this quiz and FEEL the Psychic energy!
The Links2Love Psychic Locator Quiz
The amazing Links 2 Love mystic can tell your location --- first the psychic will name
the country you are in at this VERY moment.
Creepy, grotesque, heinously frightening? Yes indeed.
Naaa Ha Haaaaaaaa (Creepy laugh)
Are we Evil-Doers? No. We are neither bad scotch nor just plain bad.
We are simply fun-lovers in the funnest
sense of the word.
Continue on to the next set of questions, and the mystical, magical psychic will
narrow your location down (to a state or region, as appropriate).
Naaa Haaaaaaaaa (echoing disturbingly, then fading into eerie yowls).
Now quit reading --- go answer the questions above and have some fun, you
skeptic, you.
Email funny stuff - e-mail this funny quiz to a friend!