First date ideas, dating tips and fun first dates.
First Date Ideas and Fun First Dates

Be creative.
Take a little time to think it through.

A three-hour date with a movie that lasts two and a half-hours is not a good way to get acquainted.

Then again, you don't want to be stuck staring at each other without a topic of conversation.

A daytime meeting takes the heat off.

  • Lunch or coffee is a good start
    (If you want to checkout a local spot to meet for lunch, you can go to, enter your zip code and get ratings for restaurants in your area.)

  • Even better - a trip to the zoo.

  • Fun first date Plenty of topics for discussion without having to deal with issues like: "What happened to your last relationship?"
    And you can avoid the usual casual chit-chat like:

    "My wife is still missing."

    "I met my first boyfriend on the prison bus."

    Yada. Yada. Yada.

  • Clothing

    Clothing is not optional.

    Wear clothes that make you feel good.

    New clothes always help - but if not new, be sure they're clean, pressed, and fit well - or if that's not your style - be sure they fit whatever way makes you feel the most comfortable and still look presentable.

  • Help the Other Person Feel Comfortable

    If you have a romantic interest in your date (you want to be more than 'just friends,') first check out your basic body language and theirs to be sure you're sending the right message - and the other person is responding in kind.

    Next, think through your conversation. Don't just talk about school, work, sports or common topics you might discuss in a standard social situation although these can be good parts of the overall conversation if you share similar interests.

    Find something nice about your date and compliment her or him.

    But mean it. Don't just say, "Nice shoes, Gladys."

    "Swell belt, Ralph."

    Let's review.

    Find something nice. If it's painfully difficult to come up with something that you sincerely like about the person, you shouldn't be out with them in the first place.

  • Manners and/or Kindness

    Thank the other person for the date - always, without exception.
    Good manners are still in style. Well, not necessarily good manners - but common sense. Human kindness. That sort of thing is always in style.

    Focus on the Other Person - pay attention to your date.
    No wandering eyes. No preoccupation with old relationships, work, bank robberies.
    Be THERE.

    Listen actively to what your date says.
    Don't interrupt. While your date is talking, don't spend time thinking about what you're going to say when it's your turn.

  • Remain Calm and Interested

    Instead of just worrying about the outcome of your date and the impression you're making on the other person, remember that your overall goal really is to find out more about each other and exchange valuable information that will help both of you decide if you want to pursue a relationship.

    Remind yourself that you are not trying to simply impress the other person or convice them to like you, you really do want to find out about your date and see if you might truly be compatible.

  • Attitudes and Habits
    Be positive and definitely don't complain on a first date.
    Be cautious about alcohol - if you drink heavily, you're not going to be at your best.
    If your date gets swacked on your first date, it's not necessarily due to nervousness.
    He or she is likely to be a heavy-drinker, at best, and could end up drooling on your new, pressed clothes as you shovel him or her into a cab.

  • Date ideas for the week:

    Take a class together.

    Old-fashioned dates that take the pressure off:
    Pizza, conversation and bowling.
    Museum, fair, art exhibit, acquarium -- all fun with loads of topics of conversation
    Theater -- not necessarily a movie -- but local theater can be great fun

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    FIRST DATE IQ - take our quiz and see... if you're a dating genius - or dating challenged ...

    If you're looking for more original dating ideas, pop over to our entertainment section.
    Check out some cute movie dates.

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