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I like him, but does he like me?
Poll Expired: March 21, 2008
Total Votes: 1195
I'm confused with the guy I like. I started to like this guy who my very good friend used to like for a long time, but they never were officially going out. Sometimes I think I see him looking at me and then his group of friends glance in my direction, or I'm just paranoid/over-examining things. I started talking to him online recently and he said he likes a girl and I guessed myself(He said no...but he wouldn't really tell me if he liked me) but we hardly talk at school. Girls and guys barely ever hang out together during our free time at school(I'm shy anyway) and my friends don't really like the guy I am interested in, so I can't go off and find him. What should I do?
73.9% - (884 Votes)
Get to know him first to see if he is worth liking then make your decision.
11.6% - (139 Votes)
Kiss him!
11.3% - (136 Votes)
Ask him out anyway. It appears that he likes you and if he doesn't then get him to. ;]
3% - (36 Votes)
If your friends don't like him than he can't be worth it. Move on.