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My girlfriend doesn't make me feel any more special than her other guy friends
Poll Expired: August 10, 2012
Total Votes: 41
I am 16 and going out with this girl that I have known for a long time. I really like her but she doesn't show her love for me as much as I would like. She doesn't say 'I love you' at the end of her texts, just 'xxx.' She used to, and I know she does for other guy friends. When I compliment her, she doesn't respond sometimes. Am I being too sweet? What should I do?
68.2% - (28 Votes)
Talk to her about how you feel.
14.6% - (6 Votes)
Play it cool for a while, don't pay as much attention to her, and see how he reacts.
7.3% - (3 Votes)
Break up with her.
4.8% - (2 Votes)
Do something to make her jealous.
4.8% - (2 Votes)
Start being really sweet to her and see how she reacts.