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My friend spread rumors about me in front of the guy I like. What do I do?
Poll Expired: January 26, 2012
Total Votes: 218
I like this guy in school but I keep it secret. Anyway we have lots of things in common. Were just friends. I dont tell my friends who i love but one of my friends spread rumors about me and in front of me she told him I like him. I guess he got ticked at my friend and so yelled out "I dont like any of you" and that got me pretty sad so i almost cried but in the hole time period he keeps staring at me. I just dont think we should be friends. What should I do?
38.5% - (84 Votes)
Dump the friend who spread rumors about me, and then tell him
32.5% - (71 Votes)
Tell him how I feel about him and see how he reacts