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This girl I like flirts with me, and other guys
Poll Expired: January 3, 2012
Total Votes: 171
The girl I like is just starting to notice me (I've known her for almost a year). She has been flirting with me quite a bit, but I've seen her flirt with other guys. Do you think I should ask her out?
41.5% - (71 Votes)
Flirt back with her, and see if she's really interested.
22.8% - (39 Votes)
She's just a flirt, not girlfriend material.
21% - (36 Votes)
Go for it! You never know unless you try!
8.1% - (14 Votes)
Forget it, she is just friendly.
6.4% - (11 Votes)
Ask a friend what they think when they see her around you.