I'm falling for my guy friend!
Poll Expired: October 25, 2008
Total Votes: 1385
I'm really starting to fall for my good guy friend now.We've been friends for a while, but we don't talk that much. I do want a boyfriend, but I can't really see me with him, even though I want to. My friend has been trying to set us up for a while, but I didn't like him then, but I do now! I don't think he would look at me as more than a girlfriend. I really don't know what to do!
40.1% - (556 Votes) | Ask his really good guy friend to ask HIM what he thinks of me as a girlfriend. |
27.4% - (380 Votes) | Ask him to homecoming casually. |
16.1% - (223 Votes) | Tell my friend I like him, and tell her to tell HIM that I like him. |
11.7% - (163 Votes) | Get over him, move on, you guys are JUST friends. |
4.5% - (63 Votes) | You've had a big enough heartbreak from your last bf, so stay single! |