Look...I don't know how to talk to you
I don't know how to ask you if you're okay
My friends always feel the need to tell me things
Seems like they're just happier than us these days
Yeah, these days I don't know how to talk to you
I don't know how to be there when you need me
It feels like the only time you see me
Is when you turn your head to the side and look at me differently
Yeah, and last night I think I lost my patience
Last night, I got high as the expectations
Last night, I came to a realization
And I hope you can take it
I hope you can take it
I'm too good to you
I'm way too good to you
You take my love for granted
I just don't understand it
No, I'm too good to you
I'm way too good to you
You take my love for granted
I just don't understand it
I don't know how to talk to you
I just know I found myself getting lost with you
Lately you just make me work too hard for you
Got me on flights overseas, and I still can't get across to you
And last night I think I lost my patience
Last night, I got high as the expectations
Last night, I came to a realization
And I hope you can take it
I hope you can take it
I'm too good to you
I'm way too good to you
You take my love for granted
I just don't understand it
No, I'm too good to you
I'm way too good to you
You take my love for granted
I just don't understand it
Too Good - Drake ft. Rihanna -- Will Gittens ft. Sabryna Cover
Too Good for You - Drake ft. Rihanna - Head over heels, not... - about loving someone - love song, crossing my heart and hoping to die -- lyrics and music video -- sound, searchable, video and music video, listen,
music download, lyric, words and music from Drake ft. Rihanna - Too Good for You and music video - together forever with your Valentine, text, eternally, you're always with me. Drake ft. Rihanna -
read real lyrics -- I'm not lonely -- or alone -- you are everywhere and I'm dreaming of you too this night -- play the song with love from girlfriend or woman --
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