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Great turkey recipes Thanksgiving, Christmas and year round !
Thanksgiving, how to cook a turkey and great Thanksgiving dinner with stuffing and the works

   Thanksgiving Recipes, Thanksgiving Dinner Ideas LOVEly Thanksgiving

Thankful for Thanksgiving Recipes

Thanksgiving Recipes, Thanksgiving Dinner Ideas, Dinner, Desserts and More for a LOVEly Thanksgiving

Nothin' says lovin' like somethin' you've made with your own hands - especially the good ole fashioned, flour on your face, pots a boilin,' apron askew, stirrin' up a storm kinda home cookin.' It's the thought that counts.
The other person was on your mind, in your heart.
You planned ahead and that proves it.

The following is an old-fashioned basic Thanksgiving dinner - that works every time...

Simple. Basic. But everyone loves it!!!

First - the mmmmmmm... Thanksgiving Turkey*

1 pound butter
2 cups minced peeled onion
2 cups minced celery
24 oz seasoned bread stuffing
12 oz corn bread stuffing
1 (21 lb.) whole turkey
3 cups chicken broth


In a frying pan melt butter. Add onions and celery; cook until limp.
Add chicken broth. Heat to warm. Place bread crumbs in a large mixing bowl.
Lightly toss bread crumbs while adding hot liquid and vegetable mixture.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Remove neck and giblets from turkey cavity and neck. Wash turkey inside and out with cold water; pat dry. Rub salt and pepper into body cavities.
Spoon stuffing into body cavities; pack loosely. (Extra stuffing can be baked in a covered casserole in the oven with the turkey during the last hour of roasting.)
Close Thanksgiving turkey skin with skewers or twine and tie drumsticks together.
Place turkey on a rack in a roasting pan, baste with 1/4 cup melted butter, cover tightly with aluminum foil (sealing edges) and bake for 20 minutes per pound.
Once per hour, baste turkey with 1/4 cup melted butter, then re-seal foil. Test for doneness after three hours and check for correct internal temperature with meat thermometer.
If turkey does not brown, remove foil from breast for last 15 minutes.
Remove from oven, place on heated platter, and allow turkey to stand, loosely covered, for 10 minutes.
Remove stuffing to serving bowl.
Carve Thanksgiving turkey and arrange on serving platter.

Serving hint: Cover outside rim of the turkey serving platter with parsley.

Place unpeeled orange slices and clusters of red (or purple) grapes in groupings on top of parsley - add pears or other colorful fruits if desired.

Standback and gracefully accept accolades.
The perfect Thanksgiving turkey for the perfect Thanksgiving... Your Thanksgiving dinner is off to a glorious start with a perfect Thanksgiving turkey!  

Fantabulous Thanksgiving Cranberry Sauce

1 package fresh cranberries
1 orange, peel grated
1 1/4 cups brown sugar
1 medium apple
1 1/2 cups water

Core, pare and chop apple into small pieces. Place chopped apple in pan with 1/2 cup water and 1/4 cup brown sugar. Sprinkle lightly with cinnamon. Simmer until apple softens.
Add 1 cup water, 1 cup brown sugar, grated orange peel and cranberries to pan. Stir mixture and heat to boiling. Let boil for 1 minute.

Cool. Refrigerate. Serve.

Smile graciously (and don't give the recipe away unless you really like the requestor).

Thanksgiving Sweet Potatoes That'll Blow Off Your Socks

5 large sweet potatoes (or yams)
1 cup walnuts
1/2 cup butter
1 cup brown sugar
8 oz pineapple chunks

Peel sweet potatoes, then place in pan with water and boil until moderately soft. (I do it the day before and refrigerate.)
Place sweet potatoes in baking pan (since they're already mostly cooked, you can put them in any size pan that can squeeze in with that huge turkey).
Pour pineapple (and juice) over potatoes. Sprinkle with butter, then walnuts, then brown sugar. Cover pan, cook in 350 oven (with turkey) for 45 min.

Watch the smiles with the first bite. Mmmmmmmm.
The second bite
The third bite - They're in love...


* NOTE to first time turkey-cookers -- Do not mix the wet and dry ingredients until they are ready to be cooked. The stuffing needs to be moist when cooking -- heat destroys bacteria more rapidly in a moist environment When cooking stuffing separately or inside a bird, the stuffing needs to reach at least 165 degrees F to safely kill all bacteria.

Simply cooking the bird to 165 degrees F is not enough. So stick that meat thermometer deeply into the stuffing!!! and bon appetit!

Links to more Thanksgiving dinner help and Ideas:

Global Gourmet Thanksgiving cooking timetable - for Thanksgiving Day and the day before... plus more great Thanksgiving recipes

Great Thanksgiving recipes

Thanksgiving recipes and Menu maker plan your menu at Epicurious

Or have a happy vegetariam Thanksgiving

Bazillions of Thanksgiving recipes!

Even more great Thanksgiving recipes at a place called Thanksgivingrecipe.com that's loaded with Thanksgiving recipes ideas and has answers to some of those difficult Thanksgiving dinner preparation questions...

If you have kids and need to keep them occupied with Thanksgiving fun while you get ready for your big Thanksgiving dinner - a few ideas to try:

Let them make cute
  • placecards (print out and cute cute cards)

  • Thanksgiving Fun & Games! Thanksgiving activities and more Thanksgiving recipes

  • Hidden pies! keep the kids busy searching for hidden pies with Elmo...
    coloring a
  • turkey

  • Billy Bear's Thanksgiving pages will keep 'em busy for HOURS

  • More fun!

    I LOVE Thanksgiving - but
  • Take me to the Christmas page!!!
  • Christmas songs to email to someone special...

  • love quotes
  • Valentine love quotations
  • life quotes
  • funny life quotes
  • romantic quotes
  • famous love quotes
  • love horoscopes
  • Christmas gifts for Boyfriend

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    Thanksgiving recipes, Thursday November 24, 2016 Thanksgiving dinners, Thanksgiving dinner ideas and more for a romantic, fun Thanksgiving!
    Thanksgiving Day planning, cooking, food, Nov, 24 recipe, dinner, turkey, Thanksgiving Ideas, fun things for kids to do - with links to 2016 Thanksgiving recipes too - and Happy Thanksgiving Thanksgiving song video from Adam Sandler - listen and cook!