ONASNOWYCHRISTMASNIGHT - from ElvisPresley - lyrics with The BESTChristmassonglyrics and ChristmasmusicChristmasmidi
AND Christmasfavorites - like songlyrics for "On A Snowy Christmas Night " ) ...
The BESTChristmassongs, midis and song lyrics with the BEST old and new favorites with Christmassongslyrics and music including songlyrics for the Christmas
favorite to sing along with and listen to - "On A Snowy Christmas Night" from Elvis Presley
On A Snowy Christmas Night Elvis Presley
Midnight prayers so softly whispered in
the cathedral's candlelight
bring a message of the holidays
on a snowy Christmas night
Holly wreaths and hidden mistletoe
symbols of the season's might
joyful faces everywhere you go
on a snowy Christmas night
Give thanks for all you've been blessed with
and hold your loved ones tight
for you know the Lord has been good to you
on a snowy Christmas night
Mother Nature wears a bridal gown
all the world is dressed in white
there's a silent glow that fills the air
on a snowy Christmas night
Give thanks for all you've been blessed with
and hold your loved ones tight
for you know the Lord has been good to you
on a snowy Christmas night
For you know the Lord has been good to you
on a snowy Christmas night
ONASNOWYCHRISTMASNIGHTlyrics - from ElvisPresley with The BESTChristmassonglyrics and ChristmasmusicChristmasmidi
AND Christmasfavorites to sing along with - like song elvise Pressley, Presley, Presslie,
lyrics for "On A Snowy Christmas Night" old carollyrics and other videos to listen to from Elvis ...