Flirting quiz -- how to flirt, how close to move to someone and interpret their signals
Meeting the Stranger -- Are You Spatially Challenged? Or Signal Deficient?

The Flirting Quiz
Take this quiz and find out if you're good at flirting, and pick up some tips on flirting!
How to Flirt Quiz
1. When you spot someone across the room, glance at them and if they seem interested:

a)  Wave, smile and make walking motions with your fingers.
b)  Walk toward them and make direct eye contact when you are within 4 feet.
c)  Move slowly through the room toward them.
d)  Try to hold their gaze
e)  Walk directly over to them and stand within 1 foot of them.

2. If you are close to outer boundary of the the personal zone of the stranger who is a person of interest:

a)  Keep your shoulders turned toward them but don't look at their face.
b)  Do not move any closer to them.
c)  Continue to look at them and squint your eyes.
d)  Only look at them briefly as you talk.
e)  Get close enough that they can hear you whisper.

3. If the other person turns so they are side-by-side with you and talks with you, you can assume:

a)  They want you to leave.
b)  They are more comfortable in that position.
c)  They would like you to put your arm around them.
d)  They are interested in you.

4.The other person indicates they are comfortable with the distance between the two of you when:

a)  They look away.
b)  They continue to smile and talk with you.
c)  They smile and cross their arms.
d)  They talk with you.
e)  They scratch their neck and point their elbow toward you.

5. If the other person looks at you this amount of time during conversation, they are indicating strong interest:

a)  33%
b)  75%
c)  50%
d)  20%
e)  10%

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How Much Space -- How Important is Physical Space Between You and Your Person of Interest?

The amount of distance that you keep from your person of interest is important, because it affects their impression of you and the subsequent quality of your interaction.

Even more importantly, if you pay attention to another person's use of distance, this is indicate a great deal about his or her reactions toward you and will help you interpret the total positive and negative body language signals.

If you decide to approach the attractive stranger, once you've established at least an indication of mutual interest via eye contact, don't walk up to them directly without making direct eye contact once again. Try to re-contact their eyes again as you approach and are about 4 feet away, before moving any closer. When you are 4 feet away, you are basically almost exactly between the 'social zone' (4 to 12 feet distance) and the what is termed the 'personal zone' (18 inches to 4 feet).

If you receive another glance, smile or positive response at the 4 foot distance, you can then move in to 'arm's length' (which is about 2 1/2 feet). If you try to move in much closer than this to the other person, especially if you attempt to cross the 18 inch 'personal zone or intimate zone' boundary, the other person may immediately feel uncomfortable. That 'personal zone' (at less than 18 inches) is culturally and perhaps even unconsciously reserved for close friend, lovers, and family members. If you are close enough to another person that they can hear you whisper, you are probably too close for their comfort.

Side by side personal space can be lessened These distance rules are especially applicable in face-to-face meetings. Individuals can generally tolerate reduced interpersonal distance when they are side-by-side. This is due to increased comfort levels that occur when you are alongside someone, where it becomes easier to use additional aspects of body language. Side-by-side, it is easier for individuals to turn away or avoid eye contact, which limits your level of involvement with the other person.

Therefore, you can approach somewhat closer than 'arm's length' if you are alongside the person of interest - at a bar counter, or in a line, for example - rather than face-to-face. But still ensure that you do not use 'intrusive' body-language such as prolonged eye contact or touching even when side-by-side.

If you misjudge the appropriate distance when your approach someone, the other person's discomfort may show in his/her body language. The other person may turn away or avert their gaze to avoid eye contact. You may also see negative 'barrier signals' such as folded or crossed arms or legs, or rubbing their neck with an elbow pointing towards you. If you see any of these signals, be sure to back up and back off.

Finally, remember that different people have different responses to proximity and cultural differences can be large. If your person of interest is from a Latin American or Mediterranean country ('contact cultures'), he or she will probably be much more comfortable with closer distances than a British or Northern European person. North Americans fall somewhere between these two proximity-comfort-zones distances.

Different personality-types may also respond differently to flirting signals: extroverts and people who, in general, feel at each with others will often be comfortable with closer distances. From day to day the same individual may vary in tolerance to signals, according to their mood. When feeling depressed or irritable, close distances becomes more uncomfortable.

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Flirting Tips and Flirting Quiz - The Links2Love flirting test, with tips on HOW to flirt guys, and girls, teens- learn your flirting IQ and take this fun quiz. Links2love has a great selection of quizzes, from love quiz to personality quiz and teen quiz. Spatial information, how to approach someone and see if you're sending the right signals. Then read on about body language, how to approach someone and how close to stand to another person of interest... Hundreds of flirting tips and top ten tips for flirting and kissing and relationships and more ...