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Results Interpreted:
  • 0-10 : Trouble ahead (or present already).
    Numerology suggests that these two people are wildly different- although the differences are SO wide, that paradoxically, they may not be noticed at all. When two people fall below 10 here, the problems can be deep-rooted in their upbringings, making any relationship extremely challenging. The reward, however, is that when these two people maintain a very emotionally open relationship, the result can be a relationship that is stronger than most. The problem remains that this is much too difficult for the average couple to achieve and maintain.

  • 11-20: Constant struggles.
    Yes, every relationship is a constant process of working together and communicating, but the couple that falls in this range must be willing to take the extra steps. Relationships in this range aren't impossible, but rest assured, they are never easy. Both partners must be willing to take additional emotional steps. It is in this percentile range that often only one partner is willing or able to put forth that effort. Unfortunately, while this provides a temporary solution, a long term or permanent committed relationship simply will not survive unless both can remain open minded and are willing to accept the differences.

  • 21-30: Believe it or not, a majority of romantic relationships fall in this category.
    Romance is a tricky thing, and while no relationship is perfect, the majority of them bring together two people that are vastly different. Even the relationships that begin with "we have so much in common" often fall into this category. It isn't that you don't have a great deal in common- you may- but you do have a vast number of differences. Again, these differences may be ones that do not surface early in a relationship (during the infatuation, or 'honeymoon' stage). These differences however, once discovered, can actually serve to strengthen a relationship if the two partners are each willing to see the positive attributes of these differences.

  • 31-40: One challenge after another.
    While life is not a bed of roses, those partners that fall into this category will also realize that life is not a pile of thorns, either. There will be times that the two of you will experience emotional bliss, and feel like you never want things to change. Inevitably however, they will. The crucial point here is to realize that change will occur, and accept it. Couples who fall into this category must not fight the change or try to preserve 'what we had.' The fact of the matter is, when the new changes and situations are embraced, they make for an even better relationship in the long run. The reason many of these relationships fail is simply the partner's ignorance to this fact.

  • 41-50: Fear mediocrity, pursue excellence.
    Couples who fall into this range face the danger of becoming 'the boring couple', or a couple that falls into an emotional rut. Things may seem safe, stable, unchanging, but the truth is, you two are ever changing. By avoiding stagnation, a couple in this category can achieve a happiness that few other couples will ever see. 'Variety is the spice of life' applies not to the number of partners you have, but the way in which you treat the relationship. Never take the other for granted, and never allow yourselves to become 'just satisfied.' Couples here will almost inevitably find themselves either separated, or extremely happy.

    Above 50: Go to the Psychic Reading Results page. Only for viewing by those achieving 51 or greater.

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