1.Mail your poem to us -
Only text in the email please, we will not open attachments.
We will only print your name as you specify on the page. (We won't post your real name - unless you specify that you want it used.)
It goes without saying (but we'll say it anyway) that this is a love and romance site, so make nice with the writing. If there are more than 2 grammatical errors or 2
misspelled words in a poem -- it will not be published (we've spent HOURS cleaning up poetry -- can't afford it anymore)
(Our head editor is losing too much hair)
PLEASE send your (well punctuated, grammatically correct and correctly spelled) poetry immediately, if not sooner:
1. Email Us at links2Love.com
or 2. Use the online
Submission Form
In any case - please read the following before you submit:
*Copyright and Copy Wrong Information:
When you mail us your poem, you hereby solemnly swear that the poetry you are
submitting is your own original work.
Poems written by other people are automatically protected by copyright laws. Links 2 Love is not responsible for the content of submitted poems.
When you submit your poetry, you agree to allow us to post it for free on our Links 2 Love site.
You are also stating that the work is yours.
ONLY copyrights (no copywrongs).
Your poems remain your property. You're just agreeing to allow us to post them on Links 2 Love.
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FreePoetry - Submit your best Lovepoems, friendshippoems, inspirationalpoems, or funnypoem.
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