Famous Romantic Love Poems in Pictures / Graphics
Famous Romantic Love Poetry
(Poems O - Z)
- "Ode to a Naked Beauty" ~ Neruda
- "Ode to Hope" ~ Neruda
- "Of Love" ~ Khalil Gibran (from "The Prophet")
- "Of Pearls and Stars" ~ Heinrich Heine
- "Old Love, New Love" ~ Sara Teasdale
- "O Mistress Mine" ~ Shakespeare
- "O My Luve's Like a Red, Red Rose" ~ Robert Burns
- "Once We Played" ~ Mathilde Blind
- "One Day I Wrote Her Name Upon the Strand" ~ Edmund Spenser
- "On Her Loving Two Equally" ~ Aphra Behn
- "Only Love May Lead Love In" ~ Henry Cuyler Bunner
- "On Monsieur's Departure" ~ Queen Elizabeth I
- "On the Balcony" ~ D. H. Lawrence
- "Passion" ~ Charlotte Bronte
- "Potter" ~ Neruda
- "Prelude" ~ Richard Aldington
- "Proud of My Broken Heart" ~ Emily Dickinson
- "Remember" ~ Christina Georgina Rossetti
- "Romance" ~ Edgar Allen Poe
- "Romeo and Juliet" ~ Shakespeare
- "Ruth" ~ Thomas Hood
- "Secret Flowers" ~ Katherine Mansfield
- "September 8th" ~ Neruda
- "Romeo and Juliet" ~Shakespeare
- "She Bewitched Me" ~ Thomas Burbidge
- "She Comes Not When Noon is on the Roses" ~ Herbert Trench
- "She Tells Her Love" ~ Robert Ranke Graves
- "She Walks in Beauty" (Like the Night) ~ Lord Byron
- "She Was a Phantom of Delight" ~ William Wordsworth
- "Silent Noon" ~ Dante Gabriel Rossetti
- "Somewhere i have never travelled" ~ e.e. cummings
- "Song" ~ Frances Sargeant Osgood -Valentine -(Heart is a music box, And there's one little tune it can play, "I Love")
- "Song" ~ Lord Byron
- "Song" ~ Robert Crawford
- "Song" ~ Thomas Lovell Beddoes (How many times do I love thee, dear?)
- "Song" ~ William Browne (For everything I love her)
- "Song from Abdelazar" ~ Aphra Behn
- "Song - The Winter it is Past" ~ Robert Burns
- "Sonnet" ~ Edna St. Vincent Millay
- "Sonnet" ~ (Major Robert) Calder Campbell
- "Sonnet VII" ~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning (A heavy heart have I borne until I saw thy face)
From year to year until I saw thy face
- "Sonnet VIII" ~ Neruda
- "Sonnet XIII" ~ Neruda
- "Sonnet 13" ~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning (Wilt thou have me fashion into speech)
- "Sonnet XIV" ~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning
- "Sonnet XCV" (Who ever desired each other as we do?) ~ Neruda
- "Sonnet 17" ~ Neruda
- "Sonnet 20" (Saddest Poem) ~ Neruda
- "Sonnets - XXV" ~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning
- "Sonnet XXVII" ~ Neruda
- "Sonnet XXX" ~ William Shakespeare
- "Sonnet XXXIII" ~ Neruda
- "Sonnet XLII" ~ Neruda
- "Sonnet LVII" ~ Shakespeare
- "Sonnet LXVI" ~ Neruda
- "Sonnet LXXIX" (Tie your heart at night to mine, love) ~ Neruda
- "Sonnet LXXXI" (Rest with your dream inside my dream) ~ Neruda
- "Sonnet LXXXIII" (It’s good to feel you are close to me in the night, love...) ~ Neruda
- "Sonnet 43: Sonnets From the Portuguese" (How Do I Love Thee?) ~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning
- "Sonnet 49: It's Today" (Day breaks: the whole of yesterday went falling) ~ Pablo Neruda Love Poetry
- "Sonnet CIV" ~ Shakespeare
- "Sonnet CIX" ~ Shakespeare
- "So Sweet Love Seemed that April Morn" ~ Robert Bridges
- "So That You Will Hear Me" ~ Neruda
- "Spring Love" ~ Francis Ledwidge ("My last kiss burning on her lovely mouth")
- "Still to be Neat" ~ Ben Johnson
- "Strange Fits Of Passion" ~ William Wordsworth
- "Sweet Disorder" ~ Robert Herrick
- "Tell me, My Heart, if this be Love" ~ Lyttleton, Lord George
- "Tell Me Not, Sweet" ~ Richard Lovelace
- "That Time and Absence Proves" ~ John Donne
- "The Angel" ~ William Blake
- "The Beloved" ~ Kahlil Gibran
- "The Clod and the Pebble" ~ William Blake
- "The Definition of Love" ~ Andrew Marvell
- "The Elephant is Slow to Mate" ~ D. H. Lawrence
- "The Fickle One" ~ Neruda
- "The First Day" ~ Christina Rossetti
- "The Flight" ~ Sara Teasdale
- "The Gift" ~ Sara Teasdale
- "The Indian Serenade" ~ Percy Bysshe Shelley
- "The Infinte One" ~ Neruda
- "The Kiss" ~ Sara Teasdale
- "The Kiss" ~ Thomas Moore
- "The Kiss I Never Had" ~ Sydney King Russell
- "The Landscape of Love" ~ Rainer Maria Rilke
- "The Light Wraps You" ~ Neruda
- "The Look" ~ Sarah Teasdale
- "The Maid's Lament" ~ Walter Savage Landor
- "The Meeting" ~ Katherine Mansfield
- "The Minute I Heard My First Love Story" ~ Rumi
- "The Night has a Thousand Eyes" ~ Francis William Bourdillon
- "The Nymph's Reply to the Shepard" ~ Sir Walter Raleigh
- "The Passionate Shepard to His Love" ~ Christopher Marlowe (Come live with me and be my love)
- "The Perfect Woman" ~ Wordsworth
- "The Queen" ~ Neruda
- "The Ragged Wood" ~ William Butler Yeats
- "The Rose and the Bee" ~ Sara Teasdale
- "The Rose Family" ~ Robert Frost
- "The Rose in the Deeps of His Heart" ~ William Butler Yeats
- "The Secret Rose" ~ William Butler Yeats
- "The South Seas" ~ Rupert Brooke
- "The Sorrow of Love" ~ William Butler Yeats
- "The Unfading Beauty" ~ Thomas Carew
- "The Well" ~ Pablo Neruda
- "The Winter it is Past, Song" ~ Robert Burns
- "The Wish" ~ Alexander Pushkin
- "The World Outside is a Mirror" ~ Peter McWilliams
- "There is a Lady Sweet and Kind" ~ Thomas Ford
- "This is Love" ~ Rumi
- "Those Who Love" ~ Sarah Teasdale
- "This Will Not Win Him" ~ Jalaluddin Rumi
- "To a Friend" ~ Amy Lowell
- "To a Kiss" ~ Robert Burns
- "To a Post-Office Inkwell" ~ Christopher Morley
- "To a Stranger" ~ Walt Whitman
- "To Althea from Prison" ~ Colonel Lovelace
- "To Amarantha" ~ Richard Lovelace
- "To Anthea III" ~ Robert Herrick
- "To Celia" ~ Ben Johnson (Drink to Me Only...)
- "To Jane" ~ Percy Bysshe Shelley
- "To Mary" ~ John Clare
- "To My Dear and Loving Husband" ~ Anne Bradstreet
- "True Love" ~ Helen Steiner Rice
- "Upon Julia's Clothes" ~ Robert Herrick
- "Unfortunate" ~ Rupert Brooke
- "Untitled" ~ Rumi
- "VALENTINE" ~ Anonymous Valentine (Old-fashioned Valentine card)
- "Variations on the Word Love" ~ Margaret Atwood
- "Wait for Me" ~ Konstantin Simonov
- "Water" ~ Neruda
- "We are Made One by What We Touch and See" ~ Oscar Wilde
- "Weep Not Too Much" ~ Anne Bronte
- "When I was One and Twenty" ~ A. E. Hausman
- "When to Her Lute Corinna Sings" ~ Thomas Campion
- "Where Love Once Was" ~ James Oppenheim (Love Lost & Breaking Up)
- "Whilst it is Prime" ~ Edmund Spenser
- "Who Ever Desired Each Other as We Do?" ~ Neruda
- "Who Ever Lov'd, that Lov'd Not at First Sight" ~ Christopher Marlowe
- "Why do I Love You, Sir?" ~ Emily Dickinson
- "Wild Nights" ~ Emily Dickinson
- "Wind and Window Flower" ~ Robert Frost
- "Wounded Cupid" ~ Anonymous
- "You Kissed Me" ~ Josephine Slocum Hunt
- "You'll Love Me Yet" ~ Robert Browning
- "You Smiled" ~ Walter Savage Landor
- "Young and Old" ~ Charles Kingsley
- "Your Hands" ~ Neruda
- "Your Laughter" ~ Neruda
- "You Will Remember" ~ Pablo Neruda
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