The Kiss - love poem with kissing Poetry, poem, love poems, facebook status

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The Kiss, c.1907
Gustav Klimpt

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THE KISS - the love poem by Sara Teasdale, the artwork from Klimpt - the best love poem for romance with a love poem for every occasion - to say I love you and I love your kiss - feel free to email a love poem to your love

FREE - love poems the best love poem and romantic love poem to read - email free to someone special... especially if they LOVE poetry.."The Kiss" from Sara Teasdale You, someone else wants to kiss my lips? I think not. They have been kissed by the greatest love and grandest lover with the best kiss and someone else cannot kiss these lips that have been touched by his...

  Love Poem - The Kiss Love Poem
The Kiss
~ Sara Teasdale


Before you kissed me only winds of heaven
Had kissed me, and the tenderness of rain -
Now you have come, how can I care for kisses
Like theirs again?

I sought the sea, she sent her winds to meet me,
They surged about me singing of the south -
I turned my head away to keep still holy
Your kiss upon my mouth.

And swift sweet rains of shining April weather
Found not my lips where living kisses are;
I bowed my head lest they put out my glory
As rain puts out a star.

I am my love's and he is mine forever,
Sealed with a seal and safe forevermore -
Think you that I could let a beggar enter
Where a king stood before?

Valentine Love Poem - The Kiss

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THE KISS - the best way to say "I love you" AND "I love your kiss" The best love poem and Valentine poem and perfect romantic love poem - feel free to email the love poem of your choice to your love The Kiss about a kiss and kissing from Sara Teasdale kisses unlimited for Valentines and Valentine's Day not one else can kiss her, no one new, someone else cannot kiss the way her lover - the king of kisses - kissed -- I am my love's and he is mine forever graphic and love quote - I belong only to my love - sealed with a seal and sealed with a kiss - not Sarah, but Sara ...