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Memories of love and knowing that it will not happen again - she'll never be in love again - Heart breaking Love Poetry, Love Poems, Romantic Poetry, a sad Poem

FREE - hundreds of the greatest heart breaking sad love poems and love poetry to read - email free to someone special - especially if they LOVE poetry...

   Love Poet - Never love again - Liebesweh

~ Dora Wilcox
Up a Hill
AH, my heart, the storm and sadness!
   Wind that moans, uncomforted,
Requiem for Love that's dead'
   Love that's dead!
  Leafless trees that sough and sigh,
  Gloom of earth, and grey of sky,
Ah, my heart, what storm and sadness!

Ah, my heart, those sweet Septembers!
  Ah, the glory and the glow
  Of the Spring-tides long ago,
   Long ago!
  Gleam of gold, and glint of green
  On the grassy hillsides seen,
Ah, my heart, those sweet Septembers!

Ah, my heart, on sweet soft pinions,
  Spring, the lov'd one, hovers nigh,
  She shall settle by-and-by,
  But the hills shall shine in vain,
  Love, alas, comes not again,
Ah, my heart, on sweet soft pinions!

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Poem - about love not coming again, memories and remembramce of love when she was young - heart broken, sisyphus of heart break, pushing heart up again, sweet memory of love that will not happen again - heart breaking sad poem - never fall in love again -- sad about losing love and never having it again - Links 2 Love presents the greatest romantic love poems of all time!
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