AH, my heart, the storm and sadness!
Wind that moans, uncomforted,
Requiem for Love that's dead'
Love that's dead!
Leafless trees that sough and sigh,
Gloom of earth, and grey of sky,
Ah, my heart, what storm and sadness!
Ah, my heart, those sweet Septembers!
Ah, the glory and the glow
Of the Spring-tides long ago,
Long ago!
Gleam of gold, and glint of green
On the grassy hillsides seen,
Ah, my heart, those sweet Septembers!
Ah, my heart, on sweet soft pinions,
Spring, the lov'd one, hovers nigh,
She shall settle by-and-by,
But the hills shall shine in vain,
Love, alas, comes not again,
Ah, my heart, on sweet soft pinions!