MadLibs - Generate a Neruda Love Poem - love poem, romantic poetry, facebook status, free love poems

Generate a Neruda Love Poem - MadLibs
Fill in the blanks, then press the button to create your original, incomparable, unique, love poem.
(or if you're really smart or literary or somethin' like that -- you can enter the real Neruda words...)
Can You out-Neruda, Neruda??
Fill in the form, then press the button to create your original Love Poem.
In my sky at    you are a  
and your   and    are the way I love them.
You are mine, mine, woman with    
and in your life my infinite dreams .

The   of my soul dyes your  
My sour  , is sweeter on your  
oh reaper of my evening
how solitary believe you to be .

You are mine, mine, I go shouting it to the ,
, and the wind hauls on my widowed .
Huntress of the depths of my , your plunder
stills your regard as though it were .

You are taken in the of my , my love,
and my of music are wide as the .
My is born on the shore of your eyes of .
In your of mourning the land of begins.

Go here to read the real poem - In My Sky At Twilight - by Pablo Neruda

If you create a truly lovely (or awful) love poem using this poem generator, feel free to send it here because we love a good laugh... and will publish it with or without your name (as you wish)...


In My Sky...

In my sky at Birmingham, you are a seagull
and your wings and feathers are the way I love them.
You are mine, mine, woman with bird feet
and in your life my infinite dreams capture you

The dust of my soul dyes your little wings.
My sour attitude is sweeter on your arrival.
oh reaper of my evening bitters ,
how solitary and itchy - I believe you to be my allergen.

You are mine, mine, I go shouting it to the allergist,
aaachooo, and the wind hauls on my widowed mucous.
Huntress of the depths of my lungs, your plunder
stills your evening call which I regard as though it were not bothering me.

You are taken in the nightmares of my nights, my love,
and my chords of music are as wide as the ocean .
My sneeze is born on the shore of your eyes of red .
In your feathers of mourning the land of hives begins.

~ S. Deacon
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
In my sky at midnight, you are a bright shinning star
and your blue eyes and that gorgeous smile are the
way I love them.
You are mine,mine,woman with a body that is
screaming for my touch
and in your life my infinite dreams come true

The color of my soul dyes your hair gold.
My sour attitude is sweeter on your arrival.
oh reaper of my evening meal,
how solitary and alone I believe you to be when you're
not with me.

You are mine, mine, I go shouting it to the mountain tops,
and on rooftops, and the wind hauls on my widowed brow.
~ Nora E.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

In my sky at home, you are a song bird
and your love song and poise are the way I love them.
You are mine, mine, woman with beautiful music
and in your life my infinite dreams captures you

The love of my soul dyes your wings.
My sour bitterness is sweeter on your arrival.
oh reaper of my evening softens,
how solitary and sweet. I believe you to be the one I have been longing for.

You are mine, mine, I go shouting it to the world,
love, I have found love at last, and the wind hauls on my widowed song of rejoice.
Huntress of the depths of my soul, your plunder
stills your sorrows regard as though it were sad no more.

You are taken in the dream of my soul, my love,
and my love of music are as wide as the oceans view.
My heart is born on the shore of your eyes of love.
In your time of mourning the land of love begins.

~ Jennifer L.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

In my sky at late night, you are a distant moon
and your eyes and lips are the way I love them.
You are mine, mine, woman with love warmth
and in your life my infinite dreams shape

The depth of my soul dyes your face.
My sour smile is sweeter on your grace.
oh reaper of my evening come,
how solitary i am believe you to be mine.
You are mine, mine, I go shouting it to the sky,
oceans, and the wind hauls on my widowed door.
Huntress of the depths of my emotions, your plunder
stills your soul regard as though it were ours.

You are taken in the beauty of my spirit, my love,
and my rhythms of music are as wide as the waves.
My love is born on the shore of your eyes of crystal.
In your longing of mourning the land of dream begins.

~ Caroline S.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Which very nearly, almost completely and somewhat entirely makes sense.
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