Perfect Kiss Troubleshooting © Links2Love
"Houston, we have a problem"
(uh oh)
There are many ways that first kiss can go terribly wrong, but most are easily avoided.
Moving too quickly
Be careful not to startle the kissee - watch and wait for the signal to proceed
If you aren't sensitive in your kissing, how empathetic and caring can you be about
the rest of the relationship...
Wet, sloshy, squishy, fishy
If you or the kissee need to wipe your lips, or chin, dry after the kiss - well,
it wasn't 'perfect' was it?
Smash-mouth smothering kiss of death
Avoid the over-passionate, insensitive kiss that leaves the kissee
gasping for air.
Chapped, Cactus Lips
There's a delicate balance to lip moisture equation. The last thing you want to do is drool on your partner, but you definitely don't
want to leave scars with crispy, chafed lips.
Too much Tongue and Too Much, Too Soon
Keep that tongue tucked away until you get the right signals, then apply with caution - later
Dragon Breath
A mint or two, breath saver, gum, spray - anything to get rid of gunk-mouth.
Weak, Wobbly or Wooden Passionless Pecks
The swoop in and bounce out kiss is simply meaningless - unless you want to impart a
"let's just sort-of be friends" type of message.
Smacking, Clacking Loud Kisses
The old "clack and smack" kills romance in a flash.
Make up for it with chocolate
Find out if you're a kissing genius (or not) with our Kissing IQ quiz ...
Check out your Kissing Personality with this quiz...
Check out a bad kissing prank video
NOW: French Kissing - The SpaceShipOne of the kiss - rewarding, but it's not for beginners!
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