Merry ChristmasBaby from Elvis - Free Christmas songs - The BESTChristmassonglyrics and ChristmasmusicChristmasmidi
AND Elvis Christmas songs listChristmas carolfavorites - with the words to Christmas carolssonglyrics and song words for "Merry Christmas Baby" ) ...
The BEST Free Christmassongs, list, ElvisChristmssongsmidis and songlyrics with the BEST old and new favorites with Christmassongslyrics and music including songlyrics for the Christmas
favorite - "Merry Christmas Baby" from Elvis Presley
Merry Christmas Baby - Elvis Presley
Words & music by Lou Baxter - Johnny Moore
Merry, Merry Christmas baby
Sure did treat me nice
I said Merry Christmas baby
Sure did treat me nice
Gave me a diamond ring for Christmas
Now I'm living in paradise
Well I'm feeling might fine
Got good music on my radio
Well, I'm feeling might fine
Got good music on my radio
Well, I want to kiss you baby
While you're standing beneath the mistletoe
I said, Merry, Merry, Merry, Merry Christmas baby
You sure did treat me nice
Yes, you did, yes, you did
Yes, you did, yes, you did
I said Merry, Merry Christmas baby
Sure did treat me nice
Gave me diamond ring for Christmas
Now I'm puttin' it through Al's mike
Tower of Treats
28 pieces = (10 cake pops, 6 Oreo® pops, 12 chocolate covered Oreo® cookies
Merry Christmas Baby - ElvisPresleyThe BESTChristmassonglyrics and xmasChristmasmusicChristmasmidi
AND Christmas carolsElvis Christmas songs list of words - your favorites - with the whitesong words for the Christmas carol
"Merry Christmas Baby" - Elvis song withlyrics, video baby, mari xmas with Elvis singing tune and other Christmasmidis) ...