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Underneath This Smile
~ Hilary Duff

Links 2 Love

Underneath This Smile - the love lyrics from Hilary Duff with artwork and graphics - the best love lyrics for romance with a love song for every occasion - to say I'm miserable hiding behind a fake smile

FREE - love lyrics 4 the best love song and romantic lyrics to send free to your Valentine especially if they search and want to find LOVE music.."Underneath This Smile" good music, best song from Hilary Duff call for help, brave face for the world but My world is slowly caving in and All the while I'm hanging on instead of letting go song to remember.

  Love Song - Underneath This Smile Free Romantic Love Lyrics
Underneath This Smile
~ Hilary Duff

What I'm standing on is sinking in
And I don't have a clue how to get off of it
But when I look at you there is hope
It's like you see the sadness in my eyes
You read the blue between the lines
You could be the one to hold me when I wanna cry

Underneath this smile
My world is slowly caving in
All the while
I'm hanging on
Cause that is all I know
Could you be the one to save me from every bad habit that has helped me dig this hole
I've been hiding out for miles
Underneath this smile

I have walked this earth with broken bones
I've been keeping secrets under all these lights
But when you're around my defenses go
You don't let me run away from you
You don't let me twist and turn the truth
It feels as if I'm naked when you're standing in the room

Underneath this smile
My world is slowly caving in
All the while
I'm hanging on instead of letting go
Could you be the one to save me from every bad habit that has helped me dig this hole
I've been hiding out too long
Underneath this smile
Underneath this smile
Oh, yeah

Underneath this smile
My world is slowly caving in
All the while
I'm hanging on instead of letting go
Could you be the one to save me from every bad habit that has helped me dig this hole
Underneath this smile
Could you be the one to save me from every bad habit that has helped me dig this hole
I've been hiding out for miles
Underneath this
Underneath this
Underneath this smile
What I'm standing on is sinking in

Words and music, top love songs including Underneath This Smile from Hilary Duff - golden oldie

Underneath This Smile -- Hilary Duff Sings - Free Download Music Video

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