The BEST love song lyrics and the best romantic love songs -'My Only Love' from Serena
You've reached the deepest part
Of the secret in my heart
I've known it from the start
My luv, my only love - Lovely Valentine love song lyrics to romantic songs and loads of love songs lyrics, music and love lyrics
Love Song My Only Love Lyrics - Serena
My Only Love
~ Serena
Deep in my soul
Love so strong
It takes control
Now we both know
The secrets bared
The feelings show
Driven far apart
I'll make a wish
On a shooting star
There will come a day
Somewhere far away
In your arms I'll stay
My only love
Even though you're gone
Love will still live on
The feeling is so strong
My only love
My only love
There will come a day
Somewhere far away
In your arms I'll stay
My only love
You've reached the deepest part
Of the secret in my heart
I've known it from the start
My only love
There will come a day
Somewhere far away
In your arms I'll stay
My only love
You've reached the deepest part
Of the secret in my heart
I've known it from the start
My only love
My only love
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