The Great Pretender - The Platters and Freddie Mercury - Pretending that you're still around - about loving someone - love song, love gone, number 1, - lyrics and music video -- sound, searchable, video and music video, listen,
music download, lyric, words and music from The Platters and Freddie Mercury - heart-wrenching, missing you, torn apart by luv, Freddie Mercury -- The Great Pretender lyrics and music video - pretending that I'm all right and I don't mind, acting
as if my heart's not breaking, as if you're still with me, as if we're still together -- The Great Pretender listen to the music and sing along pretending - floating in my own world -- playing games -- you left me alone and lonely. The Platters and Freddie Mercury -
in love with someone you can't have - lyrics - read lyrics, imagine you're not near by, The Great Pretender -- heartbreak, broken up song, end of a relationship, she left, heart broken, breaking up
I'm not lonely -- or alone -- acting like you're not here, act as if I can't see you -- Freddie Mercury - the greatest male vocalist - tears at your heartstrings -- play the song with love from girlfriend or woman acts as if you're still here -- Facebook this version from The Platters and Freddie Mercury - print pdf version of lyrics and sing along with music video,
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