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Gutsy flirting with guy's tie Not for the faint-hearted - only the BOLD need attempt these feats...

These are some flirting clues, okay not clues, not hints, but outright brazen tips for the serious flirt!

THE Meeting

You're introduced by someone else, he introduces himself, you introduce yourself, however it happens, you are MEETING.
How do the fearless handle this situation?

If you shake his hand, wrap your other hand around his. Linger for just a second longer than you normally would.

Smooth a wrinkle from his cuff or tug playfully on a piece of clothing...
Wide smile - hold his gaze for three seconds. Then bite the corner of your lip and look down.

Compliment him - make it as sincere as possible:
    "What sports do you like? You look athletic."
    "What is that cologne? You smell great."
    "Great shirt. Is that an Armani?"

Wear a prop - and draw him in to look at it.
Like a BFF heart band -- when he closes in for a look say "You could be my BFF." with an adorable smile and twinkle in your eye.
Or, wearing bands that spell out your name, take the bandz out of the heart, give them to him and let him try to figure out your name.

Whispering flirting As you shake his hand, take your time and survey him from head to toe. Bring your eyes back up to his. Smile ever so slightly to let him know you like what you see.

Move in with a whisper. If the room's loud, take advantage of it. Lean in close. Then whisper conversation - or that compliment - close to his ear. For girl ONLY - the flirting signals that say HE likes YOU

Want to check out Shy Guy - Flirting Clues?

Test Your
Across-the-Room FLIRTING SKILL
Take a
Basic Flirting Skills Quiz

Does He Like You?

What's Your
Kissing IQ
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OR MORE teen flirting and quizzes?

- start with eye contact and work up from there...
OR - read up on the science of flirting and our animal instincts...

For guys - "How to tell she likes you"

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Spice up your dates, your love life and your flirting skill with bold and bald-faced flirting tips and flirting signals used only by the gutsy chick...