THE Group

Or if you're really uncertain or uncomfortable about getting together - go with a group.
Ask the question:
"Hey, there're a bunch of us going bowling on Saturday. Would you like to go?"
The operative word here is "us." It immediately takes the pressure off.
Planning activities to do on your date and getting together in a group are good ways to go - especially if you think you or your date might get "tongue-tied."
If you're busy or there are a bunch of other people in the conversation, you won't hit awkward silences and won't have to talk all the time if you don't know your date very well.
Backup Plan - Convince with Charm
If she hesitates, simply convince her. Remain calm and confident -- don't beg for a date.
Just elaborate a little on your plans - put a little sparkle in your eye, charm her, describe the date --
"Hate to see you miss out. Last time I went, it was a blast!" Or something along those lines.
Have a backup, charming-her-in-to-wanting-to-go type of plan.
Have a convincing point in mind and close the deal!
In summary, just remember when you are asking someone out:
Plan ahead
Know what you are going to say AND what you want to suggest to do on the date.
Be specific
The other person will be much more comfortable if they know exactly what
your intentions are and what you want to do.
AND try to relax and enjoy yourself - worst case - they'll say they can't go out and
you'll find someone else who will. Someone who appreciates you.
In other words, if
the person you are asking out doesn't have enough insight to recognize what a terrific person
you are, then they're just not too bright now, are they?
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