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Flirting Tips and Quizzes

Check out these "flirtability quizzes"
tons of flirting tips.
Then you'll be able to send your own PERFECT message!!!

You can flirt in a subtle or direct way. You can use your body language and flirting cues or words.

For example, uses of body language:
The guy who leans back in his chair, arches his back, puffs his chest, and puts his arms behind his head - is flirting.
Just as is the woman who looks you in the eye and twirls her hair around her fingers or strokes her hair lightly with her hand.
However, both flirting and understanding the signs of flirting take skill and practice. Keep in mind that you can never underestimate the power of a good flirt!

So, how flirtatious are you?
The following quizzes will help you find out exactly what kind of a flirt you really are:
Test your Across-the-Room FLIRTABILITY FACTOR
- take our quiz and find out if you have the skills to make the perfect contact across a crowded room - or if your flirting attempts will keep you lost in the crowd

- take our flirting quiz and see if you know the flirting basics... What's your
FIRST DATE IQ - take our quiz and see... if you're a dating genius - or dating challenged...

Take the "Should You Flirt?" test to find out if you're wondering whether to flirt with someone or not...
You can take a quiz to find out how brazen and outgoing you are with the
"Are You a Public Flirt?" quiz.
Do you know what it takes to be a great flirter? Take this flirting quiz...

Check your communication style, your opinions about other people, and your attitudes toward flirting by taking the "Flirtability" quiz.Do you wonder if you're too pushy, too persistent - or just send out subtle signals - check it out with the "Does Your Flirting Go Too Far?"quiz.Take the "How Flirty Are You?" quiz - for women.
  Spice up your dating life and love life with love quizzes and find out how to flirt!   Basic Flirting TipsA quick glance, a friendly smile, an affectionate gesture - sometimes sparks are flying immediately when you are flirting.

Now that you understand your own flirting status, what can you do when your heartthrob hasn't caught fire?
Try the tips in " How to Attract Anyone, Anytime, Anyplace...: The Smart Guide to Flirting," in which Susan Rabin uses real-life stories taken from her experience as a teacher and counselor. She offers practical advice that will help readers build confidence and self-assurance in any social situation. Also check out her follow-up book - "101 Ways to Flirt ." Included are great opening lines - that work; the Master Flirt's top twenty all-time best places to flirt; techniques that allow you to make the most of "chance encounters"; how to tell if he or she is sending you a nonverbal invitation and more.

For a jump start on great flirting tips, check out our
Do you know how to flirt??
"How To Tell She Likes You" section.    "How to Get from Hmmm? . . . TO HIM!!"
How to tell if HE likes YOU!?
OR BOLD flirting moves for the gutsy chick
Body language - what are they REALLY saying...
MORE teen flirting and quizzes
Valentine OR - start with eye contact and work up from there...
OR - read up on the science of flirting and our animal instincts...
more flirting
and even more and more flirting

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