Like the Free Christmas carol I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas lyrics page? Send this Christmas song to a friend!
I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas print free Xmas carols she sings as she wants a Hippo
Xmas song telling how girl wanted a Hippo not need a Hippo but about wanting a huge animal for Christmas - The BEST Christmas carols and Xmas song lyrics and Christmas music and videos
AND Christmas song lyrics favorites, - like Xmas songs hippo hero, hippotomusses, hippos - vegetarians -- creeping down the stairs --
singing - listen to song about Christmas present - no rhinoceros -- Gail Peevey sings - I only want a hippo or a hippopotamus for XMasXmas lyrics for "I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas" lyrics and music video)
music videos widgets to copy to your blog, myspace, facebook, friendster, blogs free download a Christmas carol widget and print a copy of the words with our printable pdf that's free for printing...
popular old song -- a Hippo hero kind of Christmas, funny cute song sung by girly girl voice that sounds like a kid singing... vegetarian kind of aminal - ha
wrap up that hippo and watch the joy -- when they find a hippo hero!
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